March 26, 2010


Photo of the Week!! Click on the photo of the goose.

For an update on Bella and other grandkids, click here.

First day of spring pics.

Attended a video shoot for Sugarfree Allstars. They are a kids band and needed extras for their shoot. My college roommate (who has now moved to Oklahoma City) brought her 4-year-old granddaughter and I brought 4-year-old Miles. I was a little concerned about how all-boy Miles would interact with the very lady-like Elaine, but by the end of the day he was the prince to her princess. He told me several times that they were "married." It starts so early. Here are the fun photos.
March 15, 2010


Heavens! I received an email from my hair dresser/mentor/friend asking why I didn't have any news on my website! Someone is watching! So, I am happy to share Isabella's 5-week photo. She looks as though she knows all about you. Click on the picture for a larger image.

An update on LeftBrain's rotator cuff surgery. They called me in recovery after the doctors had their fun. I was told they couldn't fix the rotator cuff because there wasn't one there. Apparently my stalwart husband had been using the shoulder rigorously for 7 years or so without a rotator cuff. The doctor says he should regain 90% usage. You might ask, "What about the MRI?" They are not perfect, we were told. Anyway, hubby is making a remarkable recovery and is happy that he can soon play golf.

March 2, 2010

For purposes of this blog, I'm calling my husband, LeftBrain. Traditionally, left-brained people are supposedly more analytical and right-brained people are more emotional--that's not a scientific explanation. That doesn't mean that he is smarter than I am--just different. In some ways, he is miles ahead of me--cars, televisions, stereos, electricity (it's just magic to me), and the weather. I can ask him at almost any given moment, what the temperature is and what it's going to do tomorrow, and he has a quick answer. He wasn't born with this knowledge. He watches the weather channel, along with the news, Discovery channel, National Geographic, car auctions, football, and golf. And there goes the sum of his knowledge. He also reads manuals--appliances, cars, power tools. He even has colorful postit's to bookmark critical information. However, his amazing ability to understand all of these things does not translate into filling out a medical form. Read more.